

Portico Terrace Bistro by Opco is located at Senayan City Ground Floor, you can easily find it because its location which is near the front lobby, with extensive glass design. First impression is the place has a good ambience even though the non-smoking area isn't too big. The semi-outdoor and outdoor area are for the smoking one, and both area have more eye-catching terrace theme interior,...

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Yamatoten Abura Soba

Karami Ontama Abura Soba (72k). Abura soba with spicy miso sauce, served with hald-boiled egg, chopped spring onions, sesame seeds, bamboo shoots, dried seaweed, and slices of tender roast pork or chicken (I totally recommended the roast pork). There's a rule how to eat abura soba: first add 2 rounds of vinegar and 2 rounds of chili oil, then mix the noodle in quick...

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