
Warung Tauto Kedung Rasa

8:30 PM

Nowadays, we can easily find a wide variety of international cuisine at many restaurants in Jakarta, but as an Indonesian, I believe that deep down in our hearts, Indonesian cuisine remains in the hearts! That's what I thought, period. Back to the topic, recently I just visited a humble yet tiny restaurant, called Warung Tauto Kedung Rasa which serves Javanese food, especially Pekalongan dishes at Kelapa Gading area.

Tahu Pletok (10k - 3pcs). The beancurd had a triangle shape with 2 side texture; soft and chewy one with kucai fillings. The taste was okay but you'd better enjoy it while it's hot.

Kupat Tahu Kedung Rasa (20k). A must-try dish at this place, seriously. I really love this kupat tahu, which has a savory peanut sauce and served with 'crispy kremes' creation.

Soto Ayam Pekalongan (25k). We all know that Javanese food is identical with sweet flavor, and this was my first time trying a soto ayam with brown broth as they used tauco for its broth. Personally I'm not into a sweet dish lover and I prefer a soto ayam with clear and savory broth.

Sego Megono (7k). A traditional Pekalongan dish that's basically slices of jackfruit mixed with coconut and chili ingredients. Unfortunately I couldn't find something special with this dish, maybe they should add some creation to make it much better.

Tauto Goreng Kedung Rasa (30k) - Tauto Pekalongan (28k). Tauto is another signature dish from Pekalongan. It basically looks like soto that used buffalo meat instead of beef, which has tauco broth (made from soybean) and served with soun. In here, there are 2 types of tauto : fried tauto and original tauto with soup. What makes them different is the serving method, the fried tauto was pan fried first and not served with broth. Personally, I prefer the fried tauto one. You should enjoy it with warm rice to balance the sweet taste.


Warung Tauto Kedung Rasa
Jl. Raya Kelapa Cengkir no. 23
Kelapa Gading Permai
Ph: 0822 9813 0101 / 0815 8607 0288

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